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Joining UKFCU means you’re not just an account holder – you’re a valued member.
Savings Accounts
Savings accounts unique as you are, with you wherever life's journey leads.
Prime Share Savings Account
At UKFCU, you'll always be more than an account holder. You become a valued member-owner when you open your initial Prime Share savings account with just $25.
Account features
* On balances of at least $100
High Yield Savings Account
Earn up to 4.00% APY* on balances up to $25,000 with this market-leading savings account!
Account features
* Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are current as of 1.2.25. Membership eligibility required. $1,000 minimum balance required to open High Yield Savings Account (HYSA). HYSAs are tiered-rate accounts. The balance ranges for the tiers are: Tier 1 - $0 to $25,000 (4.00% APY); Tier 2 - $25,000.01 to $50,000 (0.50% APY); Tier 3 - $50,000.01 to $100,000 (0.75% APY); Tier 4 - $100,000.01 to $250,000 (1.00% APY) and; Tier 5 - $250,000.01+ (1.50% APY). HYSAs are blended-rate accounts, with only the amounts falling within each tier being eligible for applicable APY. Resulting APY ranges for each tier are: Tier 1 - 4.00%; Tier 2: 2.25% to 3.99%; Tier 3: 1.50% to 2.24%; Tier 4 - 1.20% to 1.49% and; Tier 5: Up to 1.49%. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates may change after an account has been opened. Limit of one HYSA per primary member's Social Security Number. Please see a representative for additional details, other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
Money Market Savings Account
With this flexible higher interest rate savings account, you'll earn better returns with a minimum deposit of $1,000*.
Account features
*$1,000 minimum balance required to open Money Market Account (MMA) and to maintain the stated APY. MMAs are tiered-rate accounts. Once the threshold for a particular tier is met, the applicable APY rate will apply to the entire balance. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates may change after an account has been opened. Business accounts are not eligible to open MMAs. Please see a representative for additional details, other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
Certificate Account
Boost your long-term savings returns with a low-risk savings certificate. Pick the term length that fits your needs, from a few months to a few years. No matter what, you’re set to win.
Account features
IRA Certificate Account
An IRA Certificate can offer tax advantages and is a safe way to save for the years ahead.
Account features
Senior Share Savings Account
If you're 54+, you've earned the right to make your money work a little harder for you. Treat yourself to a Senior Share savings account with a better rate than Prime Share savings.
Account features
*Monthly interest paid on balances of at least $100.
Club Savings Account
Save a set amount automatically for a special occasion. It’s a super easy way to save for a vacation, wedding, holiday shopping* or whatever's on your horizon.
Account features
*Christmas Club savings account balances transfer to Prime Share savings accounts or checking accounts annually on October 1.
Live your best financial life with UKFCU.
Products and services designed to keep you on the right path.
*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. UKFCU has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services to credit union members.
Your financial well-being is our top priority.
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